Influenza A

Archive Id Scope Id Details
001 200 The article is discussing influenza, commonly known as the flu. It explains that the flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that primarily infect the nose, throat, and occasionally the lungs.
002 201 The article delves into the topic of influenza, also known as the flu, and its distinction from stomach "flu" viruses that lead to gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting.
008 202 This article delves into the complexities of influenza spread, exploring the factors contributing to its transmission and the various strategies implemented to mitigate its impact on global populations.
006 203 The article is talking about the seriousness of influenza illness for anyone at high risk. Certain diseases that place people at high risk.
013 202 The article is related to the transmission of influenza viruses through droplets or mucus that are dispersed into the air when someone sneezes, coughs, or talks. Influenza viruses can be transmitted to other individuals who are in close proximity, approximately 1 meter (or about 6 feet), from the infected person through contact with the eyes, nose, or mouth.
017 200 The article discusses several important facts about influenza, which is an acute infection of the respiratory system caused by the influenza virus
019 201 The article likely provides information about the specific symptoms of influenza, such as fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, fatigue, and respiratory difficulties.